28.5.2024 | Svátek má Vilém

Diskuse k článku

LIBANON: O čem se nemluví


Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.

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Pišta 19.8.2006 9:58

Konečně vysvětlení záhady islámu

Všichni se diví, že muslimští teroristé neváhají a spáchají sebevraždu. Podívejme se na to:

Žádnej chlast, žádná pařba, žádné disco, bary, restaurace, žádná televize, žádná zábava, žádný sport, žádný pořádný jídlo.

Místo oblečení prostěradlo, místo kšiltovky ručník. Neustálé skučení chlapa na věži. Pětkrát denně klekat na bolavá kolena. Tahat s sebou špinavej ručník na modlení. Alláh je s tebou i na záchodě. Nesmíš se holit. Tvá žena se nesmí holit. Nesmíš flirtovat s kočkama na ulici. Souložit můžeš až po svatbě. Nevěsty ti vybere někdo jiný, škaredé, které tě nevzruší. Ženský, které sis vzal se nesnáší a vybíjí si to na tobě a navíc jsou hysterky, chodí oblečeny do pytle a musí mít neustále závoj. Všude samej písek a sucho v puse. Slunko pálí na hlavu. Vypadáš jak cigán. Sžíráš se závistí k Americe. To je život? To radši smrt. A hurááá na to. A vzít sebou co nejvíc prasat co se mají líp než já.


čtenář 19.8.2006 16:33

Re: Konečně vysvětlení záhady islámu


Borek@Exil 20.8.2006 7:02

Re: Konečně vysvětlení záhady islámu

Naprosto perfektní a vyčerpávající  vysvětlení zdánlivé záhady...gratuluji.

Venkovan 19.8.2006 9:49

Zajímavý článek

dobře položené otázky.Je třeba hledat příčiny,které se velmi těžko podaří odstranit,bude to záležitost několika generací.

noragh 19.8.2006 8:36

Koukaj,pane Janeček,

když už teda píšou na českej neviditelnej pes, tak prosimich to zkusej česky! Veděj, my víme, že voni mluvěj enklicky, dyš sou v tej Emerice.

Jiri Janecek Seattle USA 19.8.2006 4:12

frazeologie držitelů těchto názorů totalitní propagandisty, t.j.NP

Thirty three days of war. The longest of our wars since 1949. On the Israeli side: 154 dead--117 of them soldiers. 3970 rockets launched against us, 37 civilians dead, more than 422 civilians wounded. On the Lebanese side: about a thousand dead civilians, thousands wounded. An unknown number of Hizbullah fighters dead and wounded.

Thirty three days of war. The longest of our wars since 1949. On the Israeli side: 154 dead--117 of them soldiers. 3970 rockets launched against us, 37 civilians dead, more than 422 civilians wounded. On the Lebanese side: about a thousand dead civilians, thousands wounded. An unknown number of Hizbullah fighters dead and wounded.

More than a million refugees on both sides. So what has been achieved for this terrible price? THE RESULTS of the war are obvious:

* The prisoners, who served as casus belli (or pretext) for the war, have not been released. They will come back only as a result of an exchange of prisoners, exactly as Hassan Nasrallah proposed before the war. * Hizbullah has remained as it was. It has not been destroyed, nor disarmed, nor even removed from where it was. Its fighters have proved themselves in battle and have even garnered compliments from Israeli soldiers. Its command and communication stucture has continued to function to the end. Its TV station is still broadcasting.   * Hassan Nasrallah is alive and kicking. Persistent attempts to kill him failed. His prestige is sky-high. Everywhere in the Arab world, from Morocco to Iraq, songs are being composed in his honor and his picture adorns the walls. ..This will not replace Hizbullah. Hizbullah will remain in the area, in every village and town. The Israeli army has not succeeded in removing it from one single village. That was simply impossible without permanently removing the population to which it belongs.

Kardiak 19.8.2006 16:15

Re: frazeologie držitelů těchto názorů totalitní propagandisty, t.j.NP

Janečku,plejtváte časem a energií.Nás ve škole učili ruštinu.V té bych ještě jakž-takž rozumněl.Takhle je to na drek.Ukažte,že na to máte a přeložte to,nebo sem nepište.Rv

Jiri Janecek Seattle USA 19.8.2006 4:02

pravda o Israelskem Lebanonskem fiasku - By URI AVNERY

There is not a single word of truth in this. This operation, which was planned and which the army spent years training for, was not carried out earlier, because it was clear that it would not bring any meaningful gains but would be costly in lives. The army would, indeed, have occupied wide areas, but without being able to dislodge the Hizbullah fighters from them.

The town of Bint Jbeil, for example, right next to the border, was taken by the army three times, and the Hizbullah fighters remained there to the end. If we had occupied 20 towns and villages like this one, the soldiers and the tanks would have been exposed in twenty places to the mortal attacks of the guerillas with their highly effective anti-tank weapons.

 decided, at the last moment, to carry out this operation after all--well after the UN had already called for an end to hostilities? The horrific answer: it was a cynical--not to say vile--exercise of the failed trio. Olmert, Peretz and Halutz wanted to create "a picture of victory", as ..stated in the media. .. the lives of 33 soldiers (including a young woman) were sacrificed. The aim was to photograph the victorious soldiers on the bank of the Litani. The operation could only last 48 hours, when the cease-fire would come into force. .army used helicopters to land the troops, the aim was not attained. At no point did the army reach the Litani.

For comparison: in the first Lebanon war, that of Sharon in 1982, the army crossed the Litani in the first few hours. This time, when the cease-fire took effect, all the units taking part had reached villages on the way to the river. There they became sitting ducks, surrounded by Hizbullah fighters, without secure supply lines. From that moment on, the army had only one aim: to get them out of there as quickly as possible, regardless of who might take their place.

Jiri Janecek Seattle USA 19.8.2006 3:51

O čem se mluvi v Israeli - a urcite inteligentneji nez v pseudo Saronistickem NP

BUT THESE facts are not yet clear to the general public. The brain-washing by the military commentators and the ex-generals, who dominated the media at the time, has turned the foolish--I would almost say "criminal"--operation into a rousing victory parade. The decision of the political leadership to stop it is now being seen by many as an act of defeatist, spineless, corrupt and even treasonous politicians.

And that is exactly the new slogan of the fascist Right that is now raising its ugly head.

Now, even before the last fallen soldier has been buried, the incompetent generals are starting to talk shamelessly about "another round", the next war that will surely come "in a month or in a year", God willing. After all, we cannot end the matter like this, in failure. Where is our pride? THE ISRAELI public is now in a state of shock and disorientation. Accusations--justified and unjustified--are flung around in all directions, and it cannot be foreseen how things will develop. Perhaps, in the end, it is logic that will win. Logic says: what has thoroughly been demonstrated is that there is no military solution. That is true in the North. That is also true in the South, where we are confronting a whole people that has nothing to lose anymore. The success of the Lebanese guerilla will encourage the Palestinian guerilla.

For logic to win, we must be honest with ourselves: pinpoint the failures, investigate their deeper causes, draw the proper conclusions.

Some people want to prevent that at any price. President Bush declares vociferously that we have won the war. A glorious victory over the Evil Ones. Like his own victory in Iraq. When a football team is able to choose the referee, it is no surprise if it is declared the winner. Uri Avnery is an Israeli writer

Vodník 19.8.2006 9:29

Re: O čem se mluvi v Israeli - a urcite inteligentneji nez v pseudo Saronistickem NP

Určitě inteligentněji! Nejen Uri Avnery, nenáviděný S.H.I.T.-Žid. I Haaretz je prost autocensury a nepoměrně kritičtější  vůči Israeli než zaprodanci na NP.

Charlie 19.8.2006 9:36

Re: Re: O čem se mluvi v Israeli - a urcite inteligentneji nez v pseudo Saronistickem NP

Vodníku, ta sionistická banda rasistů a xenofobů na NP opravdu není hodna Tvého vznešeného Moudra ! Nemrhej svým Moudrem a potrestej je hrozný strašlivým trestem !! Tvou nepřítomností ! Ó Veliký, Převeliký !!

Kardiak 19.8.2006 16:19


Máš to špatně.Správně to zní :"Ztroskotanci a zaprodanci!".Tak to táta Kojzar,klasik Rudého práva předepsal.Doučit a psát zprávně!!!

CTOKOKOTOB 20.8.2006 1:09

Re: Re:Vodník

Ztroskotanci a samozvanci

Jiri Janecek 20.8.2006 8:43

ten SHIT list - to spise vypada jako who is who - kdo neco dokazal


a nesedi v Izraeli na welfare z USA - je treba tough love - zkusit to bez 5-8 miliard rocne z USA. To je tak $4000 na rodinu - s tim se daji budovat v Gaze skleniky.

jiricek 19.8.2006 12:24

Re: O čem se mluvi v Israeli - a urcite inteligentneji nez v pseudo Saronistickem NP

.................znam Uri Avnera......tezky a nenapravitelny levicak...................

Jiri Janecek Seattle USA 19.8.2006 20:30

znam Uri Avnera

s briliantnim mozkem - ted nam dej jiricku rozbor "lebanonskeho vitezstvi"  na stranku od "pravicaka" - ale prosim ne tu ohranou "vladni a IDF" propagandu - najdi nekoho kdo ma trochu IQ - jako Uri Avner.