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Dostal jsem zajímavý dopis od posluchače Českého rozhlasu, kde jsem v lednovém vysílání pořadu Jak to vidí podporoval myšlenku evropské regulace na datový roaming. Jelikož jde o internet, myslím,, že by ta věc mohla zajímat i čtenáře Psa.


Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.

Zobrazit příspěvky: Všechny podle vláken Všechny podle času
Lister 28.2.2008 15:43

Re: Re: Re: Re: Skurečně, úspěch o jakém se Václavu Klausovi ani nezdá! Topolánek a GWB - jako rovný s rovným!

I also would like to mention that a great deal of our discussion revolved around issues of human rights in the world. We spoke about Cuba, we spoke about the recent events and our hope for the future. And we also talked about other countries which so far have not been so fortunate to live in freedom like the Czech Republic.  I, personally, am very happy from this meeting. I want to thank President Bush for his openness and for this wonderful meeting.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you very much. A couple of questions, Jennifer.

Q Thank you. Can you elaborate a little on what's holding up an agreement on missile defense? And how close are you to getting an agreement with Poland, as well?

PRESIDENT BUSH: Well, I appreciate that. Obviously, this is a complicated issue that requires the United States, one, to make the case of why a missile defense is needed in the first place; that it is aimed to bring stability to Europe; that it's important for mutual security; that it fits into the concept of NATO; and will honor the sovereignty of the Czech Republic or Poland.

And so the discussions revolve around a status of forces type agreement, which requires understanding by the Czech government of exactly what is meant when it talks about stationing a radar site. We will be coming to their country -- under what conditions, how will people conduct themselves -- and these are all very legitimate questions that the Prime Minister is asking. The same questions are being asked in Poland.  And I explained to the Prime Minister the following thing: people are wondering, is this aimed at Russia? Is this an anti-Russian system? And the answer is, of course not. The system we're developing will be able to deal with one, two or three types of incoming missiles. And Russia could overwhelm a system like this. This is a system to deal with threats that will be evolving in the 21st century. (to be continued) 

Lister 28.2.2008 15:46

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Skurečně, úspěch o jakém se Václavu Klausovi ani nezdá! Topolánek a GWB - jako rovný s rovným!

And so the Prime Minister made it very clear when it comes to the Russian issue that his government will be making the decisions about any so-called presence. Do we want the Russians to be able to -- you know, allay their fears by understanding what's going on? Of course we do. But he made it clear to me that the Czech Republic will be making the decisions about who gets to come into their country. And I fully understand that.  And so, you know, there's a lot of discussions going on. These aren't easy agreements to put in place. But we feel optimistic that we will get this done. As the Prime Minister said, we're down to a couple of words. What you probably want to know is the three words. I'm not going to tell you. (Laughter.) I am not going to tell you -- that's five words, I tell you, I'm not going to do the three. (Laughter.)  Q How close are you to --

PRESIDENT BUSH: Close. Three words is close. We started off with a blank page, and now we're down to three words. But, anyway -- look, there is a will to get this done, for the sake of mutual security and for the sake of peace.

PRIME MINISTER TOPOL NEK: Just to be more specific regarding these three words --

PRESIDENT BUSH: Wait a minute, he's making me look bad here. (Laughter.)

PRIME MINISTER TOPOL NEK: It actually relates to environmental protection and the standards that should be adopted. So we're actually looking for the standards which would be the strictest possible standards to be applied in terms of ensuring and guaranteeing environmental protection. But that's just a technical matter which is going to be resolved very soon. It's not any problem.  (to be continued)

Lister 28.2.2008 15:49

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Skurečně, úspěch o jakém se Václavu Klausovi ani nezdá! Topolánek a GWB - jako rovný s rovným!

PRESIDENT BUSH: Why don't you call on somebody from your press corps, if you care to.

Q Mr. President, would it be acceptable for the United States to have radar in the Czech Republic without interceptors in Poland, should that --

PRESIDENT BUSH: I don't see how -- you've got to have interceptors in order to make the system work. The idea is to use a radar system to detect a launch headed toward NATO countries and then shoot the thing down. And in order to make the system work, there has to be an integrated system.  And of course what we will work to do is, one, make the system effective, integrated, comprehensive. And the interesting opportunity is for Russia to realize the benefits of such a system by extending the radar coverage into their country, because they will be under the same threat of radicalism that we will be; "we" collectively.  If some of these countries develop a weapon that's capable of developing a nuclear warhead, free nations, nations such as Russia, do not want to be in a position of political blackmail. And our job as leaders is to deal with the issues of the day, but also deal with the issues of tomorrow in a way that yields a peaceful world. And that's what we're doing.

Q Mr. President, thank you. I have a national security question, two parts. You just talked about the importance of stability in Europe. How does it serve our national security to support the redrawing of borders in Europe vis- -vis Kosovo? And secondly, can you say how -- has our national security actually been degraded by the lapse of FISA?

PRESIDENT BUSH: First, let me talk about Kosovo. We discussed Kosovo. As a consequence of the war that took place during the leaders -- during the tenure of Mr. Milosevic, one of the effects has been the desire for the -- those of us in the United Nations to promote what's called the Ahtisaari plan, which is a supervised, independent Kosovo. (to be continued)

Lister 28.2.2008 15:51

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Skurečně, úspěch o jakém se Václavu Klausovi ani nezdá! Topolánek a GWB - jako rovný s rovným!

This is a difficult issue, and I understand it's a difficult issue. But the U.S. government supports the supervised independence. We believe in free societies and we believe it will eventually lead to peace, but there's no -- no border has been withdrawn form;sic] in that sense, Stretch. It's a -- Kosovo is a -- Kosovo's borders have been clearly defined. The type of government has changed. Now as part of the Ahtisaari plan, we fully expect this independent Kosovo to honor minority rights within their borders. And so our position has been clear.

Secondly, you asked about whether or not the United States of America should be able to listen to terrorists' phone calls coming into the United States. And the answer is, absolutely we should be doing this. There is still an extremist threat. People still want to attack our country, and we better understand what they're thinking, what they're planning and who they're talking to.

And yet unfortunately a law passed to give our professionals the tools has expired. And it's expired because people want to take class action lawsuits against private phone carriers and other companies that have -- were believed to have helped us protect America. It's not fair to say to a company that was believed to have helped us, it's important for you to help us, and then you get sued for billions of dollars. And such a policy would make it very difficult to get companies to fully cooperate with us in the future.

The law is expired, but my fellow citizens must understand the threat to America has not expired. And our citizens who are paying attention to this debate must understand, without law America will be more vulnerable to attack. Democrats and Republicans supported this law, and the House leaders must bring it to the floor, where it will pass with both Republican and Democrat vote. And if this law is allowed to expire, America will be more vulnerable. And that's inexcusable and it's indefensible.

Q (Asked in Czech.) (to be continued)

Lister 28.2.2008 15:53

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Skurečně, úspěch o jakém se Václavu Klausovi ani nezdá! Topolánek a GWB - jako rovný s rovným!

Q (Asked in Czech.)

PRIME MINISTER TOPOL NEK: Well, actually, I think the same as you think. Well, if he traveled together with Mr. Zaoralek, then I think it is unforgivable.

First of all, I would like to say that these activities of the opposition leaders and their foreign policy does not really serve the interest of our country. And I would like to remind you that when I was in the opposition, and we were in the opposition we never created any kind of foreign policy on our own. And therefore, I understand the reasons for this visit to Syria. I would be much happier if they traveled as tourists, and nothing else.  I would like to actually mention that I got this present from the Secretary of Commerce, Mr. Gutierrez. It is a bracelet and there is a simple word on it, which is "cambio" meaning "change." And in Cuba you can actually get arrested for wearing this bracelet. But when I come back home I will wear this just for the sake of Mr. Paroubek and Mr. Zaoralek. (Laughter.)

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you all. 

UF, to je síla! Kam se hrabal nějaký prezident z Mali. Topolánek válí! Dobyl Bílý dům!

PROKOP BUBEN 28.2.2008 15:54

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Skurečně, úspěch o jakém se Václavu Klausovi ani nezdá! Topolánek a GWB - jako rovný s rovným!

SETKÁNÍ OPRAVDU PŘEKRÁSNÉ A OTEVŘENOST ZNAČNÁ, ovšem i když nemám žádný problém s umístěním US radarem, zvláště bude-li v nějaké režii v rámci NATO, je patrno, že zvláště v otázce, tak zvaných víz, nevíz, taháme za velmi krátký konec, asi tak jak Topolánek, při oficielním pacičkování.....

Petr Kunetka, zlocinec 28.2.2008 15:47

Re: Skurečně, úspěch o jakém se Václavu Klausovi ani nezdá! Topolánek a GWB - jako rovný s rovným!

Jarousku, fakt by nestacil odkaz? Muzete pod nej trikrat pripsat Topolanek a Klaus je vul ;)

balthasar 28.2.2008 15:54

Re: Re: Skurečně, úspěch o jakém se Václavu Klausovi ani nezdá! Topolánek a GWB - jako rovný s rovným!

No a co by si dva cypové z těžebního průmyslu nepoklábosili, pěkně po ostravacku ?8-o

Petr Kunetka, zlocinec 28.2.2008 15:57

Re: Re: Re: Skurečně, úspěch o jakém se Václavu Klausovi ani nezdá! Topolánek a GWB - jako rovný s rovným!

No, prece jenom, vytapetovat celou stranku anglickym textem, ktery stejne nikdo nebude cist je ponekud... No nic, suum, quim egitum. Ja zkousel apelovat na urcite vlastnosti, na ktere je asi apel v tomto pripade zbytecny.

Takze nic, preji hezky den vsem.

Lister 28.2.2008 15:59

Re: Re: Skurečně, úspěch o jakém se Václavu Klausovi ani nezdá! Topolánek a GWB - jako rovný s rovným!

Nevím jak Jaroušek, ale já dávám přednost citaci. I když pro řadu zdejších to asi nebude mít s ohledem na jejich znalost angličtiny velký význam. Ti ostatní si aspoň počtou. ;-D 

Topolánek zcela ovládl Oválný pokoj a atmosféru jednání. Viditelně se s GWB cítil jako ryba ve vodě! Gratuluji!

Petr Kunetka, zlocinec 28.2.2008 16:06

Re: Re: Re: Skurečně, úspěch o jakém se Václavu Klausovi ani nezdá! Topolánek a GWB - jako rovný s rovným!

Nic, dalsim bych Vas akurat v tom tapetovani podporoval. Preji hezky den...

JJ 28.2.2008 15:31

Pri nasich zakonech je vsechno mozne,

ale v civilizovanych zemich by za porusovani zakonu ve zdravotnictvi hrozilo privatni nemocnici az odebrani licence.

clay 28.2.2008 15:33

Re: Pri nasich zakonech je vsechno mozne,

tak ono to hrozí i u nás. Stačí recidiva...

ocelin 28.2.2008 15:33

A safra, to už je šíření poplašné zprávy,

ve Vrchlábu se neléčí lege artis ?!8-o8-o8-o

JJ 28.2.2008 15:36

Re: A safra, to už je šíření poplašné zprávy,

Kdo to ma vedet, kdyz je kontrola nemozna? Nevyber poplatku prirozene v souladu se zakonem neni. Myslim, ze teoreticky by to mohla nemocnice za pacienty zaplatit, slo by ovsem o danove neuznatelny naklad. I tak by ovsem stale mohlo jit o nekalou soutez.

clay 28.2.2008 15:47

Re: Re: A safra, to už je šíření poplašné zprávy,

ocelin netuší, že zařízení nemůže vykázat kódy léčby, k nimž se váže i poplatek bez toho, že by byl poplatek vybrán;-)

kdž je doktor dobroděj a nevybere poplatek, hradí celý léčebný kód zdravotnické zařízení ze svého. ale pokud ho přesto vykáže, je to podvod

clay 28.2.2008 15:37

Re: A safra, to už je šíření poplašné zprávy,

nemachrujte a neházejte pojmy, kterým nerozumíte. Lege artis nemá nic společnýho s vykazováním a následnou kontrolou neodkladné péče.

clay 28.2.2008 15:42

ocelin z DEU

vy jste podobně natvrdlej jak někdejší předsedkyně DEU Hromádková

JJ 28.2.2008 15:29

To: DB

bud nemocnice muze podlozit ty ukony dokumenty s podpisem pacienta, nebo se s VZP domluvi na jinem postupu. Ten je klasicky takovy, ze nemocnice vykazuje a VZP ma pravo kontroly, jestli vykazane polozky davaji smysl.

Pokud nemocnice nepripusti kontrolu, ani nema od pacientu potvrzeno, ze dany zakrok probehl, tak tezko muze zadat penize.

clay 28.2.2008 15:35

Re: To: DB

přesně tak (máme stejné asi nejen iniciály;-))

Petr Kunetka, zlocinec 28.2.2008 15:35

Re: To: DB

To pisete prilis malo politicky ;)

JJ 28.2.2008 15:38

Re: Re: To: DB

Myslim, ze na politicky pohled je jiz pozde, uz je to v rukou pravniku.

Petr Kunetka, zlocinec 28.2.2008 15:41

Re: Re: Re: To: DB

No, ale myslim zde, na psu... Zde musite jey podle politickeho klice, logika a racio je - podomne jako imidz - nanic ;).

JJ 28.2.2008 15:48

Re: Re: Re: Re: To: DB

Politicky klic je v CR zasterkou pro oznaceni zajmovych skupin. V konecnem dusledku jde o reseni, ktera funguji a ktera nefunguji. Pravoleve rozliseni v ramci techto resenich je casto velmi male.

Petr Kunetka, zlocinec 28.2.2008 15:50

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: To: DB

Ja narazel skutecne jenom na psa, jinak vcelku souhlas ;)

JJ 28.2.2008 16:12

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: To: DB

Myslim, ze to drive byvalo trochu decentnejsi, asi ta kombinace s lidovkami udelala svoje.

Petr Kunetka, zlocinec 28.2.2008 16:14

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: To: DB

Take jsem byl nucen to konstatovat, kdyz jsem se sem po asi 2 letech vratil... ;)

ocelin 28.2.2008 15:21

No VZP může tak leda kontrolovat

obsah a rozsah nasmlouvané péče. Jenže ona ve Vrchlabské nemocnici žádnou nasmlouvanou péči nemá. Kousněte se do zadku...

Ivanka Nová 28.2.2008 15:22

No to je právě ten problém, že to některým dost špatně vysvětlíte...

..oni prostě nehodnotí zákon....

Ivan Nový 28.2.2008 15:23


může kontrolovat neodkladnou péči, kterou vykáže nemocnice. VZP je tak hloupá, jak vy chytrý :-))))