28.6.2024 | Svátek má Lubomír

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Dostal jsem zajímavý dopis od posluchače Českého rozhlasu, kde jsem v lednovém vysílání pořadu Jak to vidí podporoval myšlenku evropské regulace na datový roaming. Jelikož jde o internet, myslím,, že by ta věc mohla zajímat i čtenáře Psa.


Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.

Zobrazit příspěvky: Všechny podle vláken Všechny podle času
clay 28.2.2008 15:50


ocelin netuší, že zařízení nesmí vykázat kódy léčby, k nimž se automaticky váže i poplatek bez toho, že by byl poplatek vybrán;-)

když je doktor dobroděj a nevybere poplatek, hradí celý léčebný kód zdravotnické zařízení ze svého, nejen poplatek. Ale pokud ho přesto vykáže, je to podvod

balthasar 28.2.2008 16:00

Re: ocelin

Hm, jak může bejt otevřeně deklarovaný nevybrání poplatku podvod, koukněte jak je takovej podvod definovanej, vy logiku.

Petr Kunetka, zlocinec 28.2.2008 16:03

Re: Re: ocelin

Z hlediska dani. Darovaci dan, treba. Snizeni zakladu prijmovky (ja nevim, jestli ta nemocncie je prispevkova nebop rozpoctova). A nekolik dalsich moznosti.

Je pravdou, ze slovo "podvod" neni prilis exaktni ;)

balthasar 28.2.2008 16:27

Re: Re: Re: ocelin

Slovo podvod je naprosto mimo, tohle může bejt nejveš administrativní pochybení :-P

Petr Kunetka, zlocinec 28.2.2008 16:34

Re: Re: Re: Re: ocelin

ja to chtel rict kulantneji... Ale v pripade, ze si to hodej do danovych nakladu, tak je to jiz danovy unik. Administrativni pochybeni... To ne, zde se jedna o vedomy cin.

Ale nechal bych to na pravniky, staci, ze podvod je skutecne nespravne oznaceni ;)

clay 28.2.2008 16:19

Re: Re: ocelin

protože nemůžete vykázat kód léčebného úkonu, k němuž se automaticky vztahuje vybrání poplatku. To je stejný, jakobyste vykázal zaplnění kanálku bez provedení rtg. VZP má právo nechat si předložit rtg a pokud je nemáte, všechny kódy zaplnění kanálku vám vyškrtá....klidne si pozve i pacienty na křeslo. I to jsme zažili. Vy "logiku";-)

kapitán 28.2.2008 16:01

Re: ocelin

Bohuslav Sobotka poplatek nezaplatil - a stal se nejpopulárnějším politikem.

Tenhle populismus budou politici využívat.

Pavla B. 28.2.2008 16:12

Re: Re: ocelin

No - nevím. Takovej Šéďa podle svého zářného vzoru nezaplatí a doktor mu nakope pudel, neboť Šéďa není Sobotka. To se Šéďovi asi moc líbit nebude.

Ale zkusit by to samozřejmě mohl.

www racek 28.2.2008 16:14

Re: Re: Re: ocelin

šéďa je rengenolog.

Pavla B. 28.2.2008 16:17

Re: Re: Re: Re: ocelin

Chtěl jste napsat obsluha rentgenu. A co má být?

Petr Kunetka, zlocinec 28.2.2008 15:45

Ja nevim,

ale ja kdyz chci od svych zakazniku penize, tak jim musim prokazat, ze jsem praci skutecne odvedl. Vetsinou to funguje na duveru, ale kdyz si to zakaznik chce zkontrolovat, klidne doloyim. Je mozne, ze ve zdravotnictvi je to jinak, ze se pouzije nejake magicke slovicko a znamena to, ze dostanu vsechny penize, o ktere si pozadam... ze by "lege artis" to zni jako magicka formule?

Zkusim to priste na sve zakazniky, treba to funguje i v IT ;)

dr Turnovský 28.2.2008 15:49

Re: Ja nevim,

ne ne....u tebe jistě bude fungovat jiné zaklínadlo........ zaplať tlusťochu..... nebo něco podobného :-)))

Petr Kunetka, zlocinec 28.2.2008 15:51

Re: Re: Ja nevim,

Nebo "kdyz nezaplatis, od zitrka prodavas na paragony".... No, nevim, nevim... "Lege artis" zni tak nejak vzneseneji ;)

dr Turnovský 28.2.2008 15:55

Re: Re: Re: Ja nevim,

no jo...zní to intelektuálně, to je fakt....;-D;-D

clay 28.2.2008 15:54

Re: Re: Ja nevim,

dobrá formulka je cosa nostra, nebo éto váše dělo...

kapitán 28.2.2008 15:51

Re: Ja nevim,

No platby jsou různý - EU platí zemědělcům, aby NEobdělávali pole.

Petr Kunetka, zlocinec 28.2.2008 15:54

Re: Re: Ja nevim,

No, a kdyz Heller psal o farmari, ktery zbohatl nepestovanim vojtesky, tak jsme se smali... ;)

balthasar 28.2.2008 16:01

Re: Re: Re: Ja nevim,

A teď nejvíc vydělá obvoďák, kterej neléčí pacienty a jenom na ně pobírá paušál .. ;-)

Petr Kunetka, zlocinec 28.2.2008 16:04

Re: Re: Re: Re: Ja nevim,

To je to kratkodobe uvazovani. V dlouhem obdobi, protoze budou neleceni, mu vsichni umrou a ma po ksefte ;)

PetrH 28.2.2008 16:05

Re: Re: Re: Ja nevim,

Nojo, tady v Evropě není pro rozvoj takové farmy dost místa... u Hellera ten farmář za utržený peníz nakupoval další a další půdu, na které nepěstoval víc a víc vojtěšky... jo, USA je země neomezených možností;-D

Petr Kunetka, zlocinec 28.2.2008 16:08

Re: Re: Re: Re: Ja nevim,

Mozna by to slo nejak nahrazovat intenzifikaci, jako ze by nakupoval vic a vic moderni techniky, pomoci ktere by mel vetsi vynosy vojtesky, kdyby ji pestoval. No, zni to tak absurdne, ze se az bojim to odeslat, aby to do dvou let nebylo soucasti zemedelske politiky EU ;)

JJ 28.2.2008 15:40

On Zelenka si taky myslel, ze kdyz poskytuje

nevyzadanou euthanasii, tak dela dobrou vec. Vlastne ty zakony ani nepotrebujem.

kapitán 28.2.2008 15:45

Re: On Zelenka si taky myslel, ze kdyz poskytuje

No podle Zelenkova otce byl jen přepracovanej - byla chyba primaře, že ho nechal pracovat.

Calypsonian Mighty Sparrow 28.2.2008 15:36

"Minaříku, vybrat, kteří lidé ti vaděj"

Vadi mi zm/rdi - jako ty zm/rde. ;-D

Ksa ksa zpatky do politickeho hayzlu u vas v Sovetskem Svazu at to tu nedokurwis jeste vic nezs to dokurwil.

darny 28.2.2008 15:51

Re: "Minaříku, vybrat, kteří lidé ti vaděj"

Kolik jste toho zase vyhulil?

JJ 28.2.2008 15:33

Tim, ze se VZP pokusila provest kontrolu si elegantne uvolnila

prostor pro dalsi kroky. Odmitnuti kontroly je celkem hloupa zalezitost, jsem zvedav za jak dlouho majitel nemocnice pochopi, ze ho ta senatorska kampan zacina stat celkem hodne. Tedy ovsem jestli nema byt socanum za co vdecny.:-/

Lister 28.2.2008 15:32

Skurečně, úspěch o jakém se Václavu Klausovi ani nezdá! Topolánek a GWB - jako rovný s rovným!

10:54 A.M. EST

PRESIDENT BUSH: We'll have opening statements, and then we'll accept two questions a side. Mr. Prime Minister, welcome. We value our friendship and our partnership with the people of the Czech Republic. I remember well my visit to your beautiful country.

We've had a significant discussion today. It turns out the year eight is an important number in Czech history. And we're determined to make the year 2008 a strong chapter in our relationship. We view the Czech Republic as a strategic partner. We've discussed a variety of issues. I want to talk about two issues.

[President George W. Bush shakes hands with Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Mirek Topolanek, during their meeting Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2008, in the Oval Office. White House photo by Joyce N. Boghosian] First, visa waiver. I've always felt our visa laws needed to change. I didn't like the idea that we treated our friends in the Czech Republic differently than other friends in Europe. There's new law in place, which requires leadership from the countries such as the Czech Republic. Mr. Prime Minister, you and your government are providing that leadership.

We signed an important memorandum of understanding. We were able to do so because your negotiators were very smart. They represented your people very well. We still have more work to do, but I'm confident we can get it done. And I hope the people of the Czech Republic understand that your government and your country is ahead of the line of anybody else when it comes to a visa waiver program. And I congratulate you on your leadership.

Lister 28.2.2008 15:34

Re: Skurečně, úspěch o jakém se Václavu Klausovi ani nezdá! Topolánek a GWB - jako rovný s rovným!

Missile defense. It's in our interest to put defenses in place to deal with the true threats of the 21st century. Russia is not a threat to peace. Regimes that adhere to extremist ideologies, which may have the capability of launching weapons to those of us who love freedom, they're the threats to peace. And a missile defense system is aimed to deal with those threats.

And of course we want it in the context not only of a bilateral relationship, but in the context of NATO. We're both strong partners of NATO. NATO has got to be in a position to deal with the true threats of the 21st century. And so we had a good discussion on this important issue.

In our discussions, I strongly respect the sovereignty of the government of the Czech Republic. Where they have concerns, of course we'll listen. And so I want to thank you for that. And at the same time, of course, we discussed very important research and development opportunities, defense cooperation activities.

And finally, I thanked the Prime Minister for the courage and sacrifice of the troops that are in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Prime Minister said that there will be a reduction in troops in Iraq, and I fully understand that. After all, we're reducing our troops based upon success. And I thank your willingness to send troops into Afghanistan. It makes sense to help young democracies thrive. They will look back at these decisions, Mr. Prime Minister, and say, thank goodness for the peace that prevailed as a result of the hard decisions we made today.

[President George W. Bush and Mirek Topolanek, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, address reporters Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2008, in the Oval Office. White House photo by Joyce N. Boghosian] And I welcome -- you're welcome, thank you for coming. (to be continued) 

Lister 28.2.2008 15:37

Re: Re: Skurečně, úspěch o jakém se Václavu Klausovi ani nezdá! Topolánek a GWB - jako rovný s rovným!

PRIME MINISTER TOPOL NEK: (As translated.) Well, I think that President Bush already mentioned everything I wanted to mention originally. However, let me revisit or come back to the issue of number eight and its importance in our history. Number eight played a very important, nay, a key role in the history of the Czech nation. In 1918, when the first Czechoslovak republic was founded, it was founded with help and assistance from the American President Woodrow Wilson.

Unfortunately 1938, which was the time of the Munich Agreement, the Americans were not with us. And therefore it was an unfortunate year, similarly as 1948, we commemorated 60 years since the coup d'etat of the communists in 1948 just on the 25th of February.

In 1968 the Prague Spring has occurred, and unfortunately after a few months of relative liberty and freedom, we were occupied by the Soviet armies.

So what I want to say is, in terms of these number eight years, it was always very important for the Czech Republic, nay, even decisive, whether we were with the Americans or whether we were on our own. And I really wish that the year 2008 will become a similarly important year, both for the Czech Republic and also with the United States of America and our mutual relationship.  And I believe that stationing the missile defense system in our country is, in terms of its importance, similarly important to those events I've been just mentioning in relation to the number eight in our history.  And everybody is, of course, interested to find out whether an agreement has been already done. There are only three words remaining to be resolved and discussed. (Laughter.) But sometimes one word matters a lot and sometimes an agreement might fail just because of one word. But this is not the case. These are just minor details and I'm sure that we're going to finalize it very soon.  (to be continued)


Lister 28.2.2008 15:40

Re: Re: Re: Skurečně, úspěch o jakém se Václavu Klausovi ani nezdá! Topolánek a GWB - jako rovný s rovným!

And in terms of the visa waiver program, I would like to use this opportunity and thank President Bush for his efforts. And I very much appreciate when a politician or a person says something or promises something and he also delivers on this promise, and this is the case.

So I would like to thank President Bush for his leadership, but I also would like this leadership to become his ownership. (Laughter.) And of course there are many politicians in the world, but there are very few politicians who are real statesmen. To have one's principles, to stick to those principles irrespective of -- to go against all odds and adhere to those principles, this is what only very few people can do. We've not spoken about this extensively, but this is what I appreciate the most.

What I believe is of also equally significant importance is the starting of the strategic dialogue between the two countries, between the U.S. and the Czech Republic. And I think the outcome of these negotiations is also very good. Both countries we agreed on research and development in the area of missile defense and generally in the defense systems.

Just one marginal note on the visa waiver program process. I think that the negotiations have been really tough and the result achieved is a true breakthrough -- a breakthrough moment. I think that this is a great achievement, because first we joined the Schengen zone, which enabled the Czech citizens to travel from Lisbon, as far as Vilnius without the use of any passport or ID, and we did the same for our citizens in terms of traveling to Canada and the United States of America. So we guaranteed one of the basic human rights, which is freedom of movement.

We at the same time are fully aware of the risks and dangers of a security nature which exists all over the world, and therefore we want to guarantee higher security to our nation. And also the agreement takes into consideration the reciprocal principle -- the principle of reciprocity. (to be contin.)