26.6.2024 | Svátek má Adriana


Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.

Výpis zvoleného vlákna.
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Jan Vaněk jr. 17.8.2006 10:34

Takovýhle blábol už jsem dlouho neviděl

Panu Pechancovi zjevně není pomoci, ani kdyby ho nějaký zenový mistr dlouho tloukl holí do hlavy; ale aspoň případné nešťastné návštěvníky tohoto článku chci varovat, aby ničemu v něm uvedenému nevěřili. Viz odkazované zdroje, jmenovitě Drakeův nekrolog, z něhož tohle vychází mnohem více než (neodkázané a dosti chabé) heslo na Wikipedii:

Jim spent his military career in Bavaria where he worked for the Army Security Agency as a Morse Code Intercept Operator, monitoring transmissions from a Soviet callsign that was probably a armored corps. One night he determined that 'his' Soviet formation was moving swiftly toward the border. This turned out to be an unannounced training exercise -- but if World War III had broken out in 1960, Jim would've been the person who announced it.

Jim entered CCNY on the GI Bill and became a Hippie. Among other jobs he managed a Greenwich Village coffee house, sometimes acting as barker as well: ‘Come in and see tomorrow's stars today!' None of the entertainers became tomorrow's stars, but that experience of unabashed huckstering is part of the reason that Jim himself did.

Jim's first job in publishing was as an assistant in the Complaints Department of Ace Books. He was good at it--so good that management tried to promote him to running the department. He turned the offer down, however, because he really wanted to be an SF editor.

A ten odkaz na Jim (jak je správné jméno) Baen's Universe...