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MeKu 27.11.2007 7:10

To zas bude v alejích nablito...

... tedy pardon, v diskusi.

Tonevadí 27.11.2007 7:02

"...válka ve Vietnamu, Američany prohraná nikoliv na bojišti, ale na domácí půdě, zejména v mediích..."

Pan Profesor pochopitelně nezklamal a pouští nám ohranou desku.  Jak 500.000 vojáků s nejmodernější technikou neprohrálo mnohaletou válku s půlkou Vietnamu, té nudle na mapě, přestože tam zanechali 58,000 mrtvejch a poslali domů sta tisíce do smrti poznamenanejch, dříve než horem pádem to vzali malou domů po střechách - to opravdu jen díky těm mediím.   

A i kdyby jen kvůli mediím - nemaj snad lidi doma do toho co mluvit? Vždyť při té jejich demokracii si tam sami vládnou, že?  Ale poučili se: proto media se už na bojiště nepouštěj, a když tak, jsou omylem zastřeleni.  Ale stejně jsou ty hlavní media doma teď na výsost opatrná něco nevhodného říct.

Lerak 27.11.2007 8:34

Re: "...válka ve Vietnamu, Američany prohraná nikoliv na bojišti, ale na domácí půdě, zejména v mediích..."

To nevadí, že Tonevadí je pitomec. Obehrané kecy línejch levičáků, kteří neumí potáhnout kočku za ocas. 

Beldor 27.11.2007 11:19

Re: "...válka ve Vietnamu, Američany prohraná nikoliv na bojišti, ale na domácí půdě, zejména v mediích..."

Dement jako vy to musi mit jednoduche..zakladni neznalost dejepisu.A veci ktere jste v dejepisu slysel,ale nehodi se vam do kramu ,tem neverite. Prej USA vs pulka vietnamu,no vy mate fakt v hlave nablito:-PRv

Haui1 27.11.2007 14:21

Re: Re: "...válka ve Vietnamu, Američany prohraná nikoliv na bojišti, ale na domácí půdě, zejména v mediích..."

Souhlasím s vámi. A závidím takovým prosťáčkům jejich život. Všechno je jim jasné, nikde žádný problém.

Jura Jurax 27.11.2007 14:36

Re: "...válka ve Vietnamu, Američany prohraná nikoliv na bojišti, ale na domácí půdě, zejména v mediích..."

Panenkomatijasvatokopeckádočehostodušudala - vyhrát se nedá, když svobodná média soustavně plivají na bojovníky, co za vlstní zemi nasazují krk, když celebrity otevřeně a beztrestně kolaborují s nepřítelem (Hanoi Jane Fonda třeba), když levicoví intelektuálové adorují nepřítele a zatracují vlastní zem a vlastní vojáky, když studenti protestují proti válce, v níž je vlastní země, a nechtějí za ni bojovat - za těchto podmínek by to pros*ali i Čingischán a Napoleon.

Ono když se má bojovat za vlastní zem a jde přitom o kejhák, je kdekdo pacifista až na půdu - ať bojuje někdo jiný, kdo chce, nebo ať se nebojuje ... zvlášť když válka je ještě daleko. To stýček Ho se naproti tomu s pacifisty nemazal - nebo snad někdo slyšel o protestech v Hanoji proti invazi severního Vietnamu do jižního? Aspoň malinká demonstračička za mír nebyla? Inu, nebyla - sebevraždu bylo lze jistě spáchat i méně okázale a bez nebezpečí pro široké příbuzenstvo.

jaroslav 27.11.2007 2:57

"America is coming apart, decomposing, and...the likelihood of her survival as one nation...is improbable -- and impossible if America continues on her current course," declares Pat Buchanan. "For we are on a path to national suicide."

"America is coming apart, decomposing, and...the likelihood of her survival as one nation...is improbable -- and impossible if America continues on her current course," declares Pat Buchanan. "For we are on a path to national suicide."

The best-selling author and former presidential candidate is on the eve of launching his new epic book: DAY OF RECKONING: HOW HUBRIS, IDEOLOGY AND GREED ARE TEARING AMERICA APART.

n;The book's release date has been moved up to this week. It ranked #237 on AMAZON's hitparade Monday morning.]

This time, Buchanan goes all the way:


jaroslav 27.11.2007 2:59

Re: "America is coming apart, decomposing, and...the likelihood of her survival as one nation...is improbable -- and impossible if America continues on her current course," declares Pat Buchanan. "For we are on a path to national suicide."

"America is coming apart, decomposing, and...the likelihood of her survival as one nation...is improbable -- and impossible if America continues on her current course," declares Pat Buchanan. "For we are on a path to national suicide."

The best-selling author and former presidential candidate is on the eve of launching his new epic book: DAY OF RECKONING: HOW HUBRIS, IDEOLOGY AND GREED ARE TEARING AMERICA APART.

n;The book's release date has been moved up to this week. It ranked #237 on AMAZON's hitparade Monday morning.]

This time, Buchanan goes all the way:

"America is in an existential crisis from which the nation may not survive."

jaroslav 27.11.2007 3:00

Re: Re: "America is coming apart, decomposing, and...the likelihood of her survival as one nation...is improbable -- and impossible if America continues on her current course," declares Pat Buchanan. "For we are on a path to national suicide."

The U.S. Army is breaking and is too small to meet America’s global commitments.

The dollar has sunk to historic lows and is being abandoned by foreign governments.

U.S. manufacturing is being hollowed out.

The greatest invasion in history, from the Third World, is swamping the ethno-cultural core of the country, leading to Balkanization and the loss of the Southwest to Mexico.

jaroslav 27.11.2007 3:01

Re: Re: Re: "America is coming apart, decomposing, and...the likelihood of her survival as one nation...is improbable -- and impossible if America continues on her current course," declares Pat Buchanan. "For we are on a path to national suicide."

The culture is collapsing and the nation is being deconstructed along the lines of race and class.

A fiscal crisis looms as the unfunded mandates of Social Security and Medicare remain unaddressed.

All these crises are hitting America at once -- a perfect storm of crises.

Specifically, Buchanan contends:

• Pax Americana, the era of U.S. global dominance, is over. A struggle for global hegemony has begun among the United States, China, a resurgent Russia and radical Islam

jaroslav 27.11.2007 3:02

Re: Re: Re: Re: "America is coming apart, decomposing, and...the likelihood of her survival as one nation...is improbable -- and impossible if America continues on her current course," declares Pat Buchanan. "For we are on a path to national suicide.

• Bush’s invasion of Iraq was a product of hubris and of ideology, a secular religion of “democratism,” to which Bush was converted in the days following 9/11

• Torn asunder by a culture war, America has now begun to break down along class, ethnic and racial lines.

• The greatest threat to U.S. sovereignty and independence is the scheme of a global elite to erase America’s borders and merge the USA, Mexico and Canada into a North American Union.

• Free trade is shipping jobs, factories and technology to China and plunging America into permanent dependency and unpayable debt. One of every six U.S. manufacturing jobs vanished under Bush

jaroslav 27.11.2007 3:02

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: "America is coming apart, decomposing, and...the likelihood of her survival as one nation...is improbable -- and impossible if America continues on her current course," declares Pat Buchanan. "For we are on a path to national suic

• “Sovereign Wealth Funds,” controlled by foreign regimes and stuffed with trillions of dollars from U.S. trade deficits, are buying up strategic corporate assets vital to America’s security

• As U.S. wages are stagnant, corporate CEOs are raking in rising pay and benefits 400 to 500 times that of their workers

• The Third World invasion through Mexico is a graver threat to our survival as one nation than anything happening in Afghanistan or Iraq

* European-Americans, 89% of the nation when JFK took the oath, are now 66% and sinking. Before 2050, America is a Third World nation

jaroslav 27.11.2007 3:04

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: "America is coming apart, decomposing, and...the likelihood of her survival as one nation...is improbable -- and impossible if America continues on her current course," declares Pat Buchanan. "For we are on a path to national

 By 2060, America will add 167 million people and 105 million immigrants will be here, triple the 37 million today.

• Hispanics will be over 100 million in 2050 and concentrated in a Southwest most Mexicans believe belongs to them

Buchanan’s Recommendations:

• A new foreign-defense policy that closes most of the 1000 bases overseas, reviews all alliances, and brings home U.S. troops

• A purge of neoconservative ideology and the “Cakewalk” crowd” from national power.

jaroslav 27.11.2007 3:04

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: "America is coming apart, decomposing, and...the likelihood of her survival as one nation...is improbable -- and impossible if America continues on her current course," declares Pat Buchanan. "For we are on a path to natio

• To avert a second Cold War, the United States should “get out of Russia’s space and get out of Russia’s face,” and shut down all U.S. bases on the soil of the former Soviet Union

• To reach a cold peace in the culture war, Buchanan urges a return to federalism and the overthrow of our judicial dictatorship by Congressionally mandated restrictions on the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.

jaroslav 27.11.2007 3:05

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: "America is coming apart, decomposing, and...the likelihood of her survival as one nation...is improbable -- and impossible if America continues on her current course," declares Pat Buchanan. "For we are on a path to n

To end the trade deficits and save the dollar, Buchanan urges a Hamiltonian solution: a 20% Border Equity Tax on imports, with the $500 billion raised to be used to end taxation on American producers

• To prevent America becoming “a tangle of squabbling nationalities” Buchanan urges: No amnesty for the 12-20 million illegal aliens; a border fence from San Diego to Brownsville; Congressional declarations that children born to illegal aliens are not citizens and English is the language of the United States; and a “timeout” on all immigration

American 27.11.2007 3:38

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: "America is coming apart, decomposing, and...the likelihood of her survival as one nation...is improbable -- and impossible if America continues on her current course," declares Pat Buchanan. "For we are on a path

Proc nepisete Cesky aby tomu lid rozumel?Rv

Kanadan 27.11.2007 3:49

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: "America is coming apart, decomposing, and...the likelihood of her survival as one nation...is improbable -- and impossible if America continues on her current course," declares Pat Buchanan. "For we are on a p

protoze je blbej a neumi ani cesky ani anglicky.......

Jerry 27.11.2007 4:09

Dak dalece bych nezachazel ze je blbec.

Dalo by se mu vsak vytknout ze to neprelozil a dale ze opakuje nadpis, cimz zabira zbytecne misto.

Co se tyce toho Buchanana, tak na tom je trochu pravdy, dost pesimismu a hlavne premrstennost nazoru o prave podstate americke politiky.

Rozhodne to ma patricnou miru oposicniho pohledu, nez jaky uvadi ten Ulc.

P.M. 27.11.2007 4:24

Re: Dak dalece bych nezachazel ze je blbec.

Dovolil bych si upozornit, ze autor citatu a slov o P.B. nebyl adresatem oznaceni "blbec." Take bych si nemyslel, ze Buchananova slova jsou v rozporu s filosofii "toho" Ulce.

Jerry 27.11.2007 4:56

Re: Re: Dak dalece bych nezachazel ze je blbec.

Mate pravdu, uvedomil jsem si to az kdyz jsem to napsal (misto c na konci melo byt j ). Co se tyce toho Ulce, tak bych rek ze v nazorech neni zrovna presvedcivy, spis deskriptivni.

P.M. 27.11.2007 4:15

Re:Run Pat, run!


Haui1 27.11.2007 14:19

Re: "America is coming apart, decomposing, and...the likelihood of her survival as one nation...is improbable -- and impossible if America continues on her current course," declares Pat Buchanan. "For we are on a path to national suicide."

Milý Jaroslave, než vás pošlu do prtele, postnu vám tady jednu větu ze záhlaví: Nepřijatelné jsou zejména urážky, vulgarismy, rasismus, neplacená reklama a texty cizojazyčné. Buďte tak laskav a buď nám to tu přeložte nebo si trhněte pahýlem. Až si budu chtít počíst v cizím jazyku, tak si zajdu na jiné stránky než na české. Nebo sám nevíte, co tady postujete?

Jura Jurax 27.11.2007 14:38

Re: "America is coming apart, decomposing, and...the likelihood of her survival as one nation...is improbable -- and impossible if America continues on her current course," declares Pat Buchanan. "For we are on a path to national suicide."

Hle, on tu někdo umí Ctrl+C a Ctrl+V ... inu, vzdělanec ... :-/

Borek@exil 28.11.2007 7:39

Re: Re: "America is coming apart, decomposing, and...the likelihood of her survival as one nation...is improbable -- and impossible if America continues on her current course," declares Pat Buchanan. "For we are on a path to national suicide."

....mě bolí prst, jak jsem točil kolečkem na myši.

P.M. 27.11.2007 1:50

Vyhrat mir

je obtiznejsi, nez porazit armadu nomenklaturnich Sadamovcu. Kdekdo z nas se necitil zrovna fajn, kdyz nas president (ne, neni to Klaus) vedl sve optimisticke reci o zakladani demokracie v zemi, jejimz klicovym slovem je, po staleti, slovo nenavist. Jak jen jsme se kdysi smali Clintonovi, kdyz hrimal, ze "musime znovu nastolit demokracii na Haiti." George W., bohuzel, pouzil slovo demokracie take znacne nevhodne. (Demokracie ve spojeni s Irakem zni skoro stejne idiotsky jako "Socialismus s lidskou tvari", ci primo kriminalne, jako heslo v 1989 "Zustavame pravnim statem!")

Vzpominka na polozene zivoty mladych Americanu brani v jasani nad dlouho ocekavanymi vysledky. Brani taky ve skodolibosti videt socialisty - demokraty, jak se budou kroutit pred volbami, kdyz nejvetsi vahu na zvoleni (ci znovuzvoleni) do funkci dali na nasi prohru.

At uz je to vsak jakkoliv, situace v Iraku zacina nabirat aspon trochu priznivy obrat. Kdyz to priznaly New York Times, musi to byt uz nabiledni.

mik 27.11.2007 23:26

Re: Vyhrat mir


Brett 27.11.2007 1:37

Velmi spravne pane profesore

Rado se take zapomina, ze obrovske zisky z iracke nafty po vitezstvi spojencu nejsou uzivany k zniceni Israele a proti Zapadu.  Saddam Husajn mel s nimi prave zminene zamery.  Dokoce i z toho mala, ktere mu OSN dovolilo na nakup leciv a potravin pro deti, pouzival k podplaceni politiku po celem svete a kazde palestinske rodine, ktera vyprodukuje sebevraha, slibil dest tisic dolaru.

Djing cheb pako 27.11.2007 5:13

Drobne opravy

neslibil - dorucil.

Suicide bombers: $25 000 rodine bombometnika

Kdokoliv zabity IDF: $10 000 rodine gangstera


Vasekpasek 27.11.2007 1:03


No, trochu pozitivní článek takhle před spaním ještě nikomu neublížil. Už se těším na ty hordy antibushovců a obecně antiami, jak budou "diskutovat"