1.6.2024 | Svátek má Laura


Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.

Zobrazit příspěvky: Všechny podle vláken Všechny podle času
zalozak 27.12.2005 4:25

Taokze abychom ty cile shrnuli...

Puvodne se tedy v Iraku vedla valka kvuli ZHN. Po jejich nenalezeni se zjistilo ze se vlasne vedla pro zavedeni demokracie. Ted uz nam jako vysledek valky staci "rozumna" teokracie ... a co bude zitra ?
No, neco urcite, vzdyt prece flexibilita cilu je US vlastni.
P.M. 27.12.2005 16:22

Re: Taokze abychom ty cile shrnuli...

Jo, jo, Zalozaku. "Neco" se najde. A kdyz ne, mame jeste v rukave Blanicke rytire. . .
P.M. 27.12.2005 16:37

Re: Re: Taokze abychom ty cile shrnuli...

Jeste o te flexibilite: Take se da strcit hlava do pisku, jak i v pritomnosti mnohymi kritiky Ameriky predvadeno. Neopomet predtim hrdinne zacinkat klicky!
Mozek 28.12.2005 11:55

Re: Taokze abychom ty cile shrnuli...

Jaká flexibilita cílů? O rozumné teokracii mliví jen komentátoři. Americe jde pořád o Iráckou demokracii. A mimochodem, daří se jí to.
Jiri Janecek USA 27.12.2005 1:39

v Iraku vyhrali náboženští fanatici!

Iráčané ve své valné většině nejsou náboženští fanatici, žijí sekulární život, byť při respektování základních islámských pravidel.
To nejak tomu ty svobodne volby nenapovidaji :
Prvni jsou náboženští fanatici Shiite Talian
- Kurdove chteji Kurdistan - ti zabiji kazdeho kdo jim stoji v ceste -
a potom je Suni Taliban
a nekde vzadu je ex Sadam-Little - Allawi a Chalabi
More importantly, the "secular" candidates who were believed to enjoy links with the US security agencies would seem to have been routed. Former premier Iyad Allawi's prospects of leading the new government seem virtually nil. And Ahmad Chalabi's Iraqi National Accord suffered a shattering defeat.
Jiri Janecek USA 27.12.2005 1:23

Iran (a Islam, Osama) jsou vitezove v Irackych volbach

Iran has, therefore, every reason to be pleased with the outcome of the election. Tehran sees that Iraq is now irreversibly on the verge of profound change, and transition is already in the air. The US is increasingly finding that it must come up with a clear plan to withdraw its troops from Iraq. .. Rami Khouri wrote on Saturday, "Starting the American military retreat from Iraq is important because American troops will continue to be a divisive and destabilizing force, just as the American military presence in Saudi Arabia after the 1991 war was a major provocation leading to Osama bin Laden-type resistance and terror
the Islamic militant group Hamas won resounding victories
Hamas remains committed to the destruction of Israel, and is considered a terrorist group by Israel, the US and the European Union. The implications for the tepid peace process with Israel are bound to be serious. ..Hamas from the the Middle East's political landscape?
But, more importantly, along with the significant showing by the Muslim Brotherhood in last month's elections in Egypt and the incremental "Islamization" of Iraq that is unmistakably under way (and that will get a fillip from the Iraqi elections), Hamas' emergence at the forefront of Palestinian politics signifies a huge eruption of popular disenchantment with the prevailing governance systems. Simply put, Islamism has placed itself in the vanguard of the Middle East's democratization - like "liberation theology" did at one time in Latin America.
Jiri Janecek USA 27.12.2005 1:10

ty nejsvobodnějí volby v dějinách Iráku

a zije se bez strachu - a komu se to nelibi toho US/Kurdske milice rozstrileji na cucky - tohle je z Mosul - ktery nas GWBlb oznacil za priklad noveho Iraku
Anger flared round Mosul ’s university campus, one of Iraq ’s most distinguished, after the bullet-riddled body of the head of the student union was found on Sunday. The body, found with the victim’s hands bound behind his back, also bore marks of strangling, a hospital source said. Gunmen had grabbed Qusay Salahaddin from his home on Thursday, two days after he had led a demonstration against the election results, and bundled him into the trunk of a car before driving off, said Mohammed Jassim, a friend of the victim. From there, Salahaddin used his mobile phone to call for help, Jassim said, accusing Kurdish peshmerga militia: “Save me, the peshmerga have kidnapped me,” Jassim quoted Salahaddin, a Sunni Arab, as saying before the line went dead. Among some 2,000 fellow students gathered at a mosque where the body was taken, accusations quickly flew against another favored target of Sunni Arab complaint, militia forces loyal to one of the main Islamist parties in the Shi’ite Alliance bloc
Ferda 2.1.2006 4:05

Re: ty nejsvobodnějí volby v dějinách Iráku

Janiicko a Janecku ciste honna v domecku.
Alex Juchelka 27.12.2005 0:17

Opsane zvasty z televize a novin

stejne jako pan Ulc sedim ctu a vidim co se deje ve svete z novin a televize. Sedime jenom par kilometru od sebe - pan Ulc vidi neco jineho co cely svet pochopil! Popisuji na sve w-side presne co se deje - mozna ze pan Ulc by se mel obcas i tam kouknout a ne jenom na BBC a lokalni platky! Probudte se pane Ulc!
BBC 27.12.2005 0:29

Re Falesny Juchelko,

tentokrat ti skoci na lep jenom blb jeste vetsi nez jsi ty  - a to uz teda sakra kreten!
Alex Juchelka 27.12.2005 3:31

Re: Re Falesny Juchelko,

Tentokrate mi falesny Alex Juchelka nadava pod pseudonymem BBC? Presto Ti dekuji (ze nejsi vice sprosty nez predesle). Prosim vemte na vedomi!
Nemo 27.12.2005 20:44

Juchylka z Jutahu

se zase zliskal,  Blanka ho vyhodila na mraz a ted chudak nevi kdo je a ci je
Borek, neVolek 28.12.2005 3:29

Re: Re Falesny Juchelko,

BBC=====Blbec Blbej Comunistickej.