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  • Příspěvků: 55
  • Poslední: 14.1. 2007 9:00
  • Řadit dle: vláken
  • času vložení
Rys 12.1.2007 19:01

Posledni z potizi rustu : Vzpoura Republikanu

Chuck Hagel, the Republican senator from Nebraska, has ambitions to move into the White House. And since the race for electoral victory in 2008 has already begun, Mr. Hagel has no more time for losers -- even if one of those losers happens to be George W. Bush, his own president.

That became brutally clear on Thursday in the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, which invited Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice to explain President Bush's newest approach to Iraq.

Hagel scathingly described the strategy outlined by Bush in his address to the nation, televised on Wednesday, as "the most dangerous foreign policy blunder in this country since Vietnam, if it's carried out." Poor Rice sat wordlessly across from him, her face frozen in a trenchant and grim expression. Scornful applause filled the room -- an unheard of reaction in itself.

Chuck Hagel, republikansky senator z Nebrasky ma ambice na Bily dum. A od te doby co zavod o vitezstvi ve volbach 2008 zacal nechce se Hagel nechat zdrzovat porazenci - i kdyz jeden z nich je George W. Bush, jeho vlastni president.

To bylo brutalne zjevne ve ctvrtek v senatnim vyboru pro zahranicni zalezitosti ktery pozval ministryni Condoleezu Rice aby vysvetlila nejnovejsi plan k Iraku. Hagel ostre popsal strategii nactrtnutou Bushem v jeho proslovu v narodu ktery byl vysilan v televisi ve stredu jako "nejnebezpecnejsi politickou chybu zeme od Vietnamu pokud bude provedena". Uboha Rice sedela mlcky proti nemu, jeji oblicej ztuhly v ostrem a pochmurnem vyrazu. Potlesk plny opovrzeni naplnil mistnost -- coz byla neslychana reakce.