2.7.2024 | Svátek má Patricie

Diskuse k článku

Konfrontace už je v chodu

Demonstrace moci nebudí sympatie, a tak se opravdu nedalo čekat, že Evropskou, dříve Leninovu třídu budou lemovat davy vítajících občanů s vlaječkami v rukou. Pozornost se soustřeďuje na jeden z bodů agendy, na americký radar.


Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.

Zobrazit příspěvky: Všechny podle vláken Všechny podle času
Oleg 24.1.2009 15:57

Konec české republice

Češi v EU,protoze pořadně umějí lizat prdelo Američanům a Němcům.Taková země nemá budoucnosti.Když ukrainci a rusové odjedou pryč,budou vás všech šukat romy,a pak vám přijde konec. 

Cato 15.6.2007 0:53

Who had ever helped Czechoslovakia?

Well, the answer is clear for those aware somehow about the modern history of Czechoslovakia: NOBODY!

Thanks to US and GB that passed us to Stalin in Tehran in 1942 we had 50 years of communism, that was dissolved at the end thanks to enlightment of Gorbatchow, who bravely abandoned the cold war doctrine. CSSR  benefited from collteral effects. So there was no direct envolvement of US in freeing CSSR from USSR. After  it was safe, there were many US companies parasiting on Czech coupon "privatisation" what was in fact hisorically the biggest theft, that ever happened, and acquired very cheap a lion share of the state properties.

There is no reason to be gratefull. There is no reason for any US military presence in CZ. There is no reason for US RADAR on CZ territory!  

Andrei, Belarus 11.6.2007 12:26

ungrateful Czechс dregs!!!

zase bude brečet a žebrat o pomoc, jak to udělalo poté, co ho napadl jeho donedávna spojenec Adolf Hitler.  ????????????????

No explanation required

ungrateful Czechс dregs!!!

Vladimir 10.6.2007 6:56


Dmitri, spokoyney nado bit' k paranoikam rusofobam :-)

Dmitri calmer must treat paranoid russophobist.

Vladimir 10.6.2007 6:46


n;quote] zase bude brečet a žebrat o pomoc  n;/quote]

Oh Czechs can only dastardly spit out of the chair, which is it? You do not see his Defence Minister, to you all laugh.

Vladimir 10.6.2007 6:43


n;quote] zase bude brečet a žebrat o pomoc n;/quote]

Ох чехи, можете только пакостливо плевать из под стула, о чем вообще идет речь?

Вы посмотрите не своего министра обороны, над вами все смеются. ;-)

Russian 9.6.2007 19:58


The author seriously believes that to his American owners will be though any business up to Сhechs, perishing in nuclear fire, in a case if Americans will start 3 world war?! Bravo! To pay lives of people for lives American! Of interests of Сhechs people to think it is not accepted?! Also remember, you, the American bootlicker, - my both Grandfathers and the Grandmother battled to fascists and have won, instead of complained and did not elicit the help, as against your ancestor, which made the weapon to fascists! Shame on you! We have song: "You are given birth on the ground of bravery and courage,

You have remained one, only kites are turned,

And pity dwarfs,

That yesterday smiled obsequiously,

Behind an another's back already spit to you to face. "

SSS 9.6.2007 17:44


Dr. Gebbels - best friend of Czech Rep.

One unkneed Russian 9.6.2007 16:40

We will remember everything

It's really amazing that we (in Russian Federation) did finally understand who was our friends and our foes.

You chechs weren't and aren't our friends. I know that absolutelly clear. We will remember that.

It's really pity that there're in Russia some people who thought you were 'our brothers'. You are tinny unthankfull group of strange human beings.

Ro 9.6.2007 14:40

to introduce clarity

Sorry, I don't speak czeck, so i beg you pardon, but I think the author will understand my post. I agree that people have a short memory, The respectful author forgot that it is exectli the Europe asked russian help against Hitler (Czechia did the same).

Tim 9.6.2007 13:37

USA greatest place in the world

Dear  author!

I understood from the artical, that Czech Rep. need to choose another master... dear athor choose USA...good for you. And I belive that majority of Czech people do not share artical's point of view.

Czech 11.6.2007 16:28

Re: USA greatest place in the world

Dear Russian,

I am sorry to make you sad, but at least 80 percent czech people (except old retirement communist) it they will be forced to choose a side, will choose the west one, at least they do not like to "liberate us" from time to time. ..

Cato 15.6.2007 0:55


100 percent of population would wote for freedom without the MUST of choosing or changing  one master or another. 

Den 9.6.2007 13:29


Dr. Gebbels - best friend of Czech Rep.

HeKTo 9.6.2007 12:45


Stupid author-stupid article.:-(

Dmitri 9.6.2007 11:26


This article is disgusting. Shame on your, dear "Author". Ya bi skazal tak - statiya -govno!!! avtor - mudilo ebanoe - hueblyadskaya mandahuevina;-€

Lair!Lair! 9.6.2007 10:18


Autor last name? May be Gebbels? Lair!

dja33 9.6.2007 9:41

очень стыдно должно быть

и как вам не стыдно? жуть, кому вы нужны, нет вам никакого уважения в том числе от ваших новых "друзей"

Серг&# 9.6.2007 9:31

Ура на Запад!!!

Автор статьи (или точнее комментария) либо полнейший идиот (уж извините) или полнейший идиот 2. Если многоуважаемые Чехи считают, что в России голод, развал и нищета, как это было при "демократе" Ельцине и его команде, то, как говорят в Одессе "так и нет". У нас все развивается темпами, которые Вам и не снились, господа. Просто надо учитывать фактор территории. То есть если вы сравните территорию России и территорию Чехии или Польши, то поймете, что для ее освоения требуется гораздо больше ресурсов и времени. Вот и все. А все крики "на Запад, подальше от России", очере&#107

katka 9.6.2007 8:58

Cz - is an empty place

Ale ste uz puste miesto

You may say some shit about Russia, but .. you are empty place

Americans even don`t ask you about their plans.. and want to impose their power upon you, very pity Czeches don`t understand it

Disgusting to read this article and the real perverting of REAL history. When at last you will wake up from your dream, it WILL BE LATE. You will be under TOTAL control of Americans, total

From Russia 9.6.2007 8:52


The author or donkey, or the provoker.

Even the USSR between Stalin and Gorbachev actually were necessary quiet borders. I any more do not speak about modern Russia.

Want to run from Russia – run. Nobody prevents you. But if you keep a gun for the impudent gangster do not cry when your house will be burnt by the neighbors for which this gun is intended. Also it is not necessary to tell lies even to itself. The radar is a gun for Russia. On all statements, that the gun is too small I answer an example: if you have automobile, but there are no roads the automobile is not necessary for you. But if roads are, the automobile it is necessary to appear. That is, if there is an infrastructure for antirockets an antirocket for Russia quickly to appear. Now, mens, your choice: to be or to not be?

Den 9.6.2007 8:37


Gei sloviane. Samim eto chitat' ne protivno? Kazhetsa russkim nakonets skazali spasibo za osvobozhdenie ot fashizma. V litso plunuli. Nu nichego, utremsa, ne v perviy raz nam platat chernoi neblagodarnost'u. Spasibo v obshem... merzavci. >-

IVAN 9.6.2007 5:04


Avtor -PEDIK!!

Ratibor (VelikoROSS) 9.6.2007 4:13

Iuda i 30 serebrennikov

I ne stidno takoe govorit? Rossia ludmi  i krovuu  platila za vashe osvobozhdenie. Kogda vostania v Prage  podnali, skolko mi russkie soldat polozhili? A amerikanskie? 126? I  nuzhni vi Amerikanam kak plazdarm  dlia napadenia na Rossiu (Bush- otkazhetsa ot predlozhenia Putina o PRO v Azerbadzhane- i togda uzhe dazhe MLADENZU budet yasno protiv kogo oni stroyat bazi i stavat raketi.

Dlua Amerikancev vi takie zhe varvari-slaviani kak i mi. Tolko vas oni uzhe akkupirovali-- net net  ne tankami i raketami (hotya s vashey radostyu eto tozhe  budet) oni vzali vas dengami i sladkimi rechami - kak IUDA vi teper prodayote PAMYAT (tolko flagi u slavyan vostochnoy Evropi ostalis v blagodarnost o Rossii za osvobozdenie ot Turok--- vi dali slovo  zhto zvet budu kak u Russkih (Serbi, Chehi, Slovaki i t. d.)

Obidno, a avtor mudak.

Vot pro PRO- dlua chego ona - i kak budet deystvovat Rossia http://www.izvestia.ru/politic/article3104617/

russkiy chitatel 9.6.2007 2:21

i kofda u vas tam izzhoga proidet?

Uvazhaemiy pan Aston, vi prosto mudak. Drugogo slova dlia vas ne podberesh. Nadeus eto slovo v cheshskom iazike znachit chto i v russkom.

Andrey 9.6.2007 7:41

Re: i kofda u vas tam izzhoga proidet?

+ 5 ;-D

rumex 8.6.2007 22:35



Cato 8.6.2007 17:07

Astone, doplň si dějepis

Do ruského vlivu nás přihráli tvoji obdivovaní a milovaní Američané a Britové na Teheránské konferenci, které právě sféry vlivu dělila mezi velmoci. Toto se učí už na základkách.Marshallův plán s tím neměl co dělat, jeho odmítnutí byl důsledek, nikoliv příčina našeho pádu do vlivu SSSR.

farmář 6.6.2007 9:28

svět, jak srdce v půli rozťaté, umírá

v diskusním klubu NefPsa se dočítám o rudooranžových kanibalech a lucernách, o modrých supohyenách a šibenicích.   existuje lepší zrcadlo?   stále se generují lidé, kteří nikdy nebudou brát zajatce, lidé, kteří vždy učiní výpad jen zza keře, lidé, kteří ze zápecí vždy budou jen povýšenecky komentovat.   jako já.

Zuzana W 6.6.2007 0:04

A jeste jednou:

Mily Stando :Culik se na Benese zarucene neykaslal. Lzete.