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SVĚT: Šaronův těžký boj


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Jiri Janecek USA 7.1.2006 3:33

dela se mi mirne nevolno z lidskych hyen kteri si nad umirajicim muzem,

ano dost hyen se radovalo kdy Arafatovi Saron pomohl do hrobu a predpovidalo jak bude mir na strednim vychode az ten nositel ceny miru zdechne - jeden z nich si vzpominam byl take nas DunMan - a ani ty hyeny ho nenechaly pochovat v Jeruzaleme jak si pral - kam pujde asi Saron?
Konečně! (vlk@) Je skvělé, že je Arafat už mrtev. Je jen škoda, že se tento fanatik dožil tak
Jásir Arafat je mrtev (dukeprvni) K O N E C N E  to to ale trvalo
Dneu 7.1.2006 3:32

Re: Šaron se už na politickou scénu nevrátí.

Ja,ja otvira se prostor pro dalsiho zlocince v cele Israele.
Jeruzalem Post. 16 Tammuz 5761 18:50Friday July 6, 2000 (10:20) Peres calls Netanyahu a criminal By Gil Hoffman.I hear there are people who refer to Yitzhak Rabin and myself as ''the criminals of Oslo,''" Peres told a meeting of the Labor Party''s central committee in Kfar Saba''s Beit Berl College. "I say whoever stopped Oslo is the true criminal."
Dneu 7.1.2006 3:28

Re: pane Janečku, prosím, pište častěji

Neumane proc koktas? Ty nevis ,kdo byl Sharon, Shamir, Begin? Jak se ti libi Likud????????
Likud Party on 13 May 2002 (4) - when a majority of members voted against his proposal to ''postpone any decision on a binding resolution against a Palestinian state''. By an ''overwhelming show of hands'', Likud members passed a resolution saying that ''no Palestinian state will ever be established west of the Jordan river'' (5) - leading one US journalist to declare that ''Israel isn''t ready for peace''.
Taky vrazdi deti, co rikas tomuto: 12:45) Mofaz to reprimand officers in death of Khan Yunis kids By Arieh O''Sullivan IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Shaul Mofaz today backed the reprimands given to a number of officers involved with the planting of a bomb which detonated and killed five Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip last month. The IDF initially denied any involvement, but later admitted its special forces had planted a device near Khan Yunis. Ty zda se mas taky zablokovanou levou hemisferu mozku, stejne jako Sarka. A zakoncim to Neumanovym "srdečně dneu"
Sarka 7.1.2006 3:17

Dusane -

Dušan Neumann 7.1.2006 3:09

pane Janečku, prosím, pište častěji

kdykoliv si přečtu Vaše zábavné příspěvky, stoupne mi sebevědomí. Nabídnu Vám jinou historickou paralelu mezi Rabinem A Sharonem, vedle té Vaší hnisavě hloupé, co takhle F.D. Roosevelt a Theodor Roosevelt? srdečně dneu
ziralek 7.1.2006 2:34

Re: Re: Re: Šaron se už na politickou scénu nevrátí.

 mas recht ale my to neovlivnime.
Sarka 7.1.2006 2:24

Re: Re: Šaron se už na politickou scénu nevrátí.

Ziralku, ale vysledek ovlivni zivoty nase i nasich deti podstatnou merou. Ja souhlasim s Dusanem, je to maler. A dela se mi mirne nevolno z lidskych hyen kteri si nad umirajicim muzem, at je to kdokoli, prihrivaji a rozstouravaji svoje politicke nenavisti a nenavisticky
Jiri Janecek USA 7.1.2006 2:14

Sharon's Intifada - poeticka spravedlnost

What was positively accomplished with the killing of Sheik Yassin? The answer is…absolutely nothing. All it did was turn the Israeli/Palestinian conflict Into an Islamic fight against the Israeli state Ariel Sharon intentionally endangered the lives of citizens For a political agenda He wanted to send a message to all of Islam He will bomb your leaders, your homes, and your mosques At the cost of Israeli lives. What people don’t realize Is that killing a 67 year old man, bounded by wheelchair Doesn’t exactly win Islamic Fundamentalist fanfare It was a fire that didn’t have to be lit But Ariel Sharon will sit on his thrown as a war hero until zero Palestinians remain And he’ll let the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Tel Aviv burn up in flames Sharon took a conflict between neighbors and transformed it into a war on religious faith. What kind of man would put the state of Israel’s security in even more risk? And we can forget about this disengagement plan Because the PM now has to step up the demands of security that he jeopardized And we can be fed the lie that Yassin was the only problem But now internal hardliners are becoming more powerful in Hamas’ cause Sharon took whatever power was left of the PLO And bestowed it upon Hamas. The Likud party crossed the people that elected them As they pretended this was all in the name of protection But this killing will stand to be the rekindling of the most intense fighting ever seen They threw away the dream of peace and a two state solution For a military crusade with a one state conclusion But there will never be one safe state As long as they create a battle of religion rather than regional conflict Most people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip wanted two states with peace Now there will
Jiri Janecek USA 7.1.2006 2:12

Srovnavat Rabina s Saronem je jako srovnavat Roosevelta s Hitlerem

Rabin dal zaklad demokratickemu Israeli Arafat v. Rabin Oslo accord 1993
Rabin received the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize together with Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat.
On October 26, 1994, Rabin and King Hussein signed the Israel-Jordan peace treaty.
On November 4, 1995, Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated - fanatickym biblickym zidem - ktery veril jako Saron ve VELIKY biblicky ISRAEL. 1994 - 2000 to byly zlate casy Israele.
 Ariel Sharon a jeho Likud Party  (s fasistickymi - ted se tomu rika pravicovymi - koreny) to vse znicili - s demokracije se stal fasisticky apartheid.
http://czstudio.net/jenin/saroncesky.htm  Profil teroristy: Ariel Saron  zda se neobavam zastupu Yidu, kteri sem prijdou v uteku pred antisemitismem a kteri nas budou potirat tak dlouho svym olivovym olejem, az zmekneme jako oni. Poslechnete, dejiny jsou v tomto ohledu legracni, je v tom dialektika a ironie. Kdo to byl, kdo rozsiril hranice statu Izrael temer na hranice kralovstvi krale Davida? Kdo rozsiril nas stat, az se rozprostiral od hory Hermon po Raz Muhammad? Levi Eskol. Ze vsech lidi, byl to tento nasledovnik Gordona, tato mekkota, tato stara baba. A kdo, na druhe strane, se chysta nas zahnat zpet do sten ghetta? Kdo se vzdal cele Sinaje, aby nam zajistil civilizovany vzhled? Beitaruv guverner v Polsku, ten pysny clovek Menahem Begin. Takze v tom nikdy nevite. Ja vim jiste jen jednu vec: pokud bojujete za svuj zivot, vse je dovoleno, dokonce i vyhnat vsechny Araby ze Zapadniho brehu, vsechno.
Leibowitz ma pravdu, my jsme Zido-naciste a proc ne? Poslechnete, lide, kteri se bez boje nechali odvest na porazku, lide, kteri nechali ze svych deti vyrabet mydlo a lampova stinitka z kuze svych zen, tito lide jsou horsi zloc
ziralek 7.1.2006 1:56

Re: Šaron se už na politickou scénu nevrátí.

 optimalni, neoptimalni, na nas to stejne viset nebude.
Dušan Neumann 7.1.2006 1:48

Šaron se už na politickou scénu nevrátí.

Je to škoda, ale nedá se s tím nic dělat. Otevírá se prostor pro Binjamina Netanyahu a nejsem si jist, zdali je v současné situaci, kdy Irán chřestí zbrojí to nejoptimálnější řešení.
Jan 7.1.2006 0:35


Klaun Parafin 7.1.2006 0:25

No nic nezobrazilo se... Redakce bdí!?!

Válka na Blízkém východě je nám blízká více než bychom si přáli...