2.6.2024 | Svátek má Jarmil


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Jiri Janecek USA 1.6.2006 3:34

USA se taky drzi - ovsem na hlavu vede Singapore

11. The death penalty in the USA

60 prisoners were executed in the USA in 2005, bringing the year-end total to 1004 executed since the use of the death penalty was resumed in 1977. Around 3,400 prisoners were under sentence of death as of 1 January 2006. 38 of the 50 US states provide for the death penalty in law. The death penalty is also provided under US federal military and civilian law.

Singapore has the world's highest per capita execution rate, according to a report by Amnesty International.The report said the Asian city-state, which has a population of four million, had hanged more than 400 prisoners in the last 13 years.

Jiri Janecek USA 1.6.2006 3:30

cekam dalsi clanek o veznicich na svete

USA je NUMERO UNO - totalni mnozstvi i na 1000 obyvatel - veznice se buduji a na skoly neni.

Musi se setrit - zrovna zvysili uroky na studentske pujcky - +35% - takova strana ta rodnaja -

DJing cheb pako 1.6.2006 3:27

Subjekt psychiatrickeho zkoumani

juchelka je paranoidni lhar a haiselovsky tupon.