5.5.2024 | Svátek má Klaudie


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Mke 25.1.2010 2:20

Havelův filozfický okultizmus

What makes the Anthropic Principle and the Gaia Hypothesis so inspiring? One simple thing: Both remind us, in modern language, of what we have long suspected, of what we have long projected into our forgotten myths and perhaps what has always lain dormant within us as archetypes. That is, the awareness of our being anchored in the earth and the universe, the awareness that we are not here alone nor for ourselves alone, but that we are an integral part of higher, mysterious entities against whom it is not advisable to blaspheme. This forgotten awareness is encoded in all religions. All cultures anticipate it in various forms. It is one of the things that form the basis of man’s understanding of himself, of his place in the world, and ultimately of the world as such.“

důchodce 30 25.1.2010 1:58

Re: Václav Havel je první!

V knihovnictví bere si příklad z presidentů Spojených států, z čehož vyplývá, že v Evropě zůstane dlouho, velmi dlouho jediný. 

68 25.1.2010 0:12

Václav Havel je první!