ÚVAHA: Center and periphery of the body designed by science fiction 3/3
Asimov obeys strict hierarchy of the enlightment’s world order; in the very beginning of the Foundation saga country boy Gaal Dornick comes to Trantor, imperial centre of the twenty-five million inhabited planets. 6
With Neuromancer, Alien, Terminator etc. begins the postmodern science fiction’s destruction of the binary constructcenter – periphery. In Neuromancer, Case’s brain is a center for peripheral jack-ins but Case and all other personages of the novel are instruments of the artificial intelligence external not only to persons of the story but to all humankind. 7 The center has shifted from people to computer, from Earth into Universe, where artificial intelligence Wintermute has found its equal partner.
Rippley, Terminators and other SF personages are permeating the border between human and unhuman. Most boundaries between center and periphery got vague. On the one hand, the deconstruction process brings novelties in sense of Darko Suvins novum 8, on the other hand it brings chaos into the rational thinking, disrupts and destroys nicely ordered picture of the world with the best designed being, the Homo sapiens, placed on the top of the evolution scheme. Nevertheless, Ordo ab Chao – new thought paradigm may arise.
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