CENY: Nominace na ceny Brama Stokera 2007
Do fantastiky zahrnujeme nejenom vědeckofantastickou a fantasy literaturu, ale také horory. A nebyl by to správný žánr, kdyby v anglofonním světě neměl šanci získat vysoce prestižní ocenění. Stejně jako SF má Huga a Nebulu, Fantasy WFA, tak nejlepší hororová díla vydaná v uplynulém roce mohou získat Cenu Brama Stokera.
Letošní nominace jako obvykle udělila Asociace hororových spisovatelů (Horror Writers Association). Vítězové v jednotlivých kategoriích budou vyhlášeni na World Horror Convention 29. března 2008 v Salt Lake City. Uvidíme, jestli některá nominovaná díla proniknou na náš trh... Doplním jenom, že HWA pro letošní rok udělila ceny za celoživotní přínos hororu Johnu Carpenterovi a Robertu Weinbergovi.
Román- The Guardener's Tale by Bruce Boston (Sam's Dot)
- Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill (William Morrow; č. Černá krabice, Beta 2007)
- The Missing by Sarah Langan (Harper)
- The Terror by Dan Simmons (Little, Brown; č. Teror, Laser-books 2007)
- I Will Rise by Michael Calvillo (Lachesis Publishing)
- Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill (William Morrow)
- The Memory Tree by John R. Little (Nocturne Press)
- The Witch's Trinity by Erika Mailman
- The Hollower by Mary SanGiovanni (Leisure Books)
- "Afterward, There Will Be A Hallway" by Gary Braunbeck (Five Strokes to Midnight)
- "Almost the Last Story by Almost the Last Man" by Scott Edelman (Postscripts)
- General Slocum's Gold by Nicholas Kaufmann (Burning Effigy Press)
- The Tenth Muse by William Browning Spencer
- "An Apiary of White Bees" by Lee Thomas (Inferno)
- "The Death Wagon Rolls On By" by C. Dean Andersson (Cemetery Dance #57)
- "Letting Go" by John Everson
- "The Teacher” by Paul G. Tremblay (Chizine)
- "There's No Light Between Floors" by Paul G. Tremblay (Clarkesworld)
- "The Gentle Brush of Wings" by David Niall Wilson (Defining Moments)
- Five Strokes to Midnight edited by Gary Braunbeck and Hank Schwaeble (Haunted Pelican Press)
- Inferno edited by Ellen Datlow (Tor)
- Dark Delicacies 2: Fear edited by Del Howison & Jeff Gelb (Carroll & Graf/Avalon)
- Midnight Premiere edited by Tom Piccirilli (Cemetery Dance Publications)
- At Ease With The Dead edited by Barbara & Christopher Roden
Povídková sbírka
- Proverbs for Monsters by Michael A. Arnzen (Dark Regions Press)
- The Imago Sequence by Laird Barron (Night Shade Books)
- Old Devil Moon by Christopher Fowler
- 5 Stories by Peter Straub (Borderlands)
- Defining Moments by David Niall Wilson (Sarob Press)
Dílo mimo beletrii
- Encyclopedia Horrifica by Joshue Gee (Scholastic)
- The Portable Obituary: How the Famous, Rich, and Powerful Really Died by Michael Largo (Harper)
- The Cryptopedia: A Dictionary of the Weird, Strange & Downright Bizarre by Jonathan Maberry & David F. Kramer (Citadel Press / Kensington)
- Storytellers Unplugged by Joe Nassise and David Niall Wilson (Storytellers Unplugged/)
- Being Full of Light, Insubstantial by Linda Addison (Space and Time)
- Heresy by Charlee Jacob (Bedlam Press [Necro Publications])
- VECTORS: A Week in the Death of a Planet by Charlee Jacob & Marge Simon (Dark Regions Press)
- Phantasmapedia by Mark McLaughlin (Dead Letter Press)
- "Ossuary" by JoSelle Vanderhooft
Více informací o ceně a asociaci získáte na www.horror.org. Seznam nominací upraven podle SF Signals.